TopDutch Innovation Challenge

Do you have the knowledge and technology to help two top Japanese companies in the Northern Netherlands find a solution to their challenge? Then sign up today for the TopDutch Innovation Challenge!

Sign up now!
Come with us to the World Expo 2025! Common Ground 2 Nom 600×600 2
About the TopDutch Innovation Challenge

World Expo Osaka 2025

From April 13 to October 13 2025, the World Expo with the theme ‘Designing Future Society for Our Lives’ will take place in Osaka, Japan. About 150 countries and 25 organizations will participate in it, and 28 million visitors are expected to arrive. This makes the Expo an international stage for countries to present themselves to the world.

The Netherlands will have a powerful presence at the Expo, with the large Netherlands Pavilion offering visitors a unique taste of the nation’s innovation, sustainability and the solutions it offers for global challenges.

The Netherlands has their own theme for the Expo: 'Common Grounds: a Dutch invitation for creating healthy societies together'. With this, the Dutch pavilion will aim to be a platform to bring different perspectives and expertise together to create common solutions.

AND BV Netherlands Pavilion Osaka Kansai Expo 2025 New Dawn Copyright Plomp ©PLOMP

Japanese challenges and Dutch innovations

The Expo in Osaka is the perfect opportunity to both celebrate and intensify the innovative cooperation between Japan and the Netherlands. In the TopDutch region, we’re doing this by organizing an innovation challenge. Two top Japanese companies with a base in the Northern Netherlands are ready to spend the next year innovating together with a Dutch start-up to find a solution to a challenge they are facing.

Soy sauce producer Kikkoman and coffee roaster UCC have formulated challenges to make their production process even more sustainable and circular.


The challenges

UCC's Challenge

The company UCC currently roasts its coffee using natural gas. In order to continue to produce their delicious coffee through the sustainable transition, this originally Frisian coffee roaster with a Japanese parent-company wants to prepare for a future without natural gas.

UCC wants to transition from roasters running on natural gas to hydrogen. In the short-term, the first step is to make their largest roaster compatible with both natural gas and hydrogen. At first, hydrogen will be used for testing the technology and gaining experience using hydrogen as a fuel. As the price of hydrogen becomes competitive with that of natural gas, a long-term fuel transition will be made.

Do you think you have the technology, knowledge or expertise to help UCC realise the conversion of their roaster? Read the details of the technology and the challenge via the button below, and apply to the TopDutch Innovation Challenge right away!

Read more
Roasted,Coffee,Beans,Close,Up,Background Roasting coffee with hydrogen UCC Coffee Logo Green

Kikkoman's Challenge

Kikkoman is a world-famous Japanese soya sauce brand with a presence in the TopDutch region for over 25 years. As part of their commitment to sustainability and circularity, Kikkoman want to find a more valuable use for their waste streams.

Kikkoman hopes to find a suitable and innovative application for the waste stream ‘soy cake’. They envision making bio-plastics from soy cake that can be used to produce Kikkoman's soy sauce bottles.

Kikkoman is looking for a production partnership. As solution provider, you will start a partnership with Kikkoman in which you develop a process to handle the soy cake, in order to produce packaging exclusively for Kikkoman at your own company. Do you think this partnership could be with you? Read more about the challenge and the details of the technology via the button below, and apply to the TopDutch Innovation Challenge right away!

Read more
Kikkoman Bottles from waste streams Kikkoman White 3


The year of innovation

As you read this challenge, are you thinking, "I have the solution!" and want to explore with a partnership with UCC or Kikkoman further? Are you able to provide technology, knowledge or expertise that will help them with their challenge?

Sign up now!

Apply no later than September 15, 2024 by filling out the online form.

Company Visit

After an initial selection by the challenge owners and NOM, we will invite a number of parties to go on a company visit. During that visit, the technical specifications can be discussed in more detail.

Refining the solution

With the parties offering the best solutions for UCC and Kikkoman, the financial feasibility of the solutions will be further explored. Of course, there will be plenty of time to ask questions and refine the solution.

And the winner is...

The final selection of the winner will take place in October. The parties offering the best solution for Kikkoman and UCC - one per challenge - will win the tender to implement the solution.

World Expo 2025

In addition, the winner together with UCC, Kikkoman and the NOM will go to the World Expo in Osaka in September 2025 - at our expense!
There they will jointly present the innovation to a wide audience of Dutch and Japanese companies and executives. The perfect opportunity to find new customers and partners.

Sign up

Apply today!

Thank you for your interest in the TopDutch Innovation Challenge.

The estimated time required for this form is below 15 minutes. The deadline for completion is the 15th of September 2024.

Which company's challenge do you have a potential solution for?(Required)

Contact details

please include your national prefix in front of your number (for instance +31)
Link to your personal account

Company Information

Are you generating revenue?(Required)
Max. file size: 64 MB.
Attaching a pitchdeck greatly increases your chances of moving forward to the next selection round. Please make sure it is non-confidential otherwise we cannot share it with the challenge owner.

Company Details

Challenge Partners

Kikkoman Black 2
NOM Logo Grijs (voor Beeldscherm)
Logo Social 1
UCC Coffee Logo Black