A region at the top of the Netherlands, and the forefont of the transition.

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Our business environment and investment climate
TopDutch Home Doing Business Color Purple V1
Work life in the North for companies and employees
TopDutch Home Doing Business Color Blue
Our (re)location support and services
TopDutch Home Settle Color Brown

Top organizations that call the TopDutch region home


‘In the TopDutch region everything comes together. Greenfield locations, access to green energy, waterways, highways, airports and a lot of international fiber cables. It’s the best gateway to Europe.’

Cas Koningg
Cas König CEO of Groningen Seaports
Home to 440 + start-ups

According to the SoDT report of 2023 a strong portfolio of 440+ start-ups call the TopDutch region their home.

5 international companies found our region in 2023

5 new international companies have successfully landed in the TopDutch region in 2023 with a combined investment of €607.1 million (NOM annual report, 2023).

Explore the TopDutch map and check out our innovative companies

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Latest media from the region

Circtec Delfzijl Plant Model 5 News
Transforming old tires into sustainable fuels and chemicals: CIRCTEC choose TopDutch for revolutionary new plant
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